Using the Flag

A quick way to prioritize tasks to the top of the list is by using the flag feature. When you flag a task, it automatically moves to the top of the priority group that it is within on the My Today page. This allows you to quickly identify and focus on the most important tasks that need to be done first.

Drag and Drop

Another method to prioritize tasks is by manually arranging them in the correct order. You can simply drag and drop tasks to the desired position on the My Today page. This gives you the flexibility to organize your tasks based on your own preferences and priorities.

Organizing Tasks into Priority Groups

In addition to rearranging tasks, you can also organize them into different priority groups by dragging the tasks onto one of the 4 priority group sections (on the right hand side of the list). As you separate tasks into the 4 groups the list will still contain all the tasks but will automatically organize your list into groups with collapsible sections. This allows you to segment your tasks based on their importance or urgency and to further focus your attention on the tasks that are your top priorities in the "now" group. This grouping also allows you to easily see which tasks need to be prioritized and completed first.

Setting Due Dates

Setting due dates for tasks is another effective way to prioritize them. You can set a due date either from the menu on the right side of the My Today page or within the task itself using the 'circled exclamation' icon. When you set a due date for a task will remain in it's current priority group unless the due date is today in which case it will be moved to the "Now" group. If tasks in other priority groups have due dates set, TepinTasks will automatically move a task with today's due date into the top of the "Now" or "Today" group, ensuring that you are aware of tasks that need to be completed on that specific day.

Scheduling Tasks

In addition to setting due dates, you can also schedule tasks for specific days. When you schedule a task for today, it not only appears in the calendar but also moves to the top of the "Today" group on the My Today page. When you schedule a task for a date in the future it will be removed from your My Today page list and will be displayed in the calendar page. On the day of the Scheduled task the task will be displayed both in the My Today page list and calendar widget. This helps you prioritize tasks that need to be completed on a particular day and ensures that they are easily accessible.


Prioritizing tasks is crucial for effective time management and staying organized. By using features like the flag, setting due dates, scheduling tasks, organizing tasks into priority groups, and using drag and drop list ordering you can ensure that you are focusing on the most important tasks and completing them in a timely manner. Take advantage of these tools in the My Today page to prioritize your tasks and increase your productivity.