Filtering Tasks by Group

To begin filtering tasks by group, navigate to the My Today page in the mobile app. At the top of the page, you will find a selection of groups that you can choose from. By default, all groups are selected, meaning that you will see tasks from all groups in your view.

To limit the tasks you see to a specific group, simply unselect the groups that you do not want to include in your view. For example, if you only want to see private tasks, you can unselect all groups except the "Private" group. Then the My Today page will only display tasks that belong to the "Private" group. You also have the option to to click the "All" button. Which makes all groups visible. Once you have made your selections, the My Today page will update to show only the tasks from the groups you have chosen. This allows you to focus on the specific tasks that are most relevant to you at any given time.